Thursday, February 28, 2013
I have been seeing a lot of negative comments around about those who publish e-books and what having an e-book says about the quality of ones writing and the product produced from said writing. Look, opinions are like assholes and we're all assholes. I get that. But I am an e-book author for the simple reason that I have not yet found an agent or publisher and am merely trying to get my name and work out into the public eye any way that I can. E-books seems like the way to go. Many veterans are doing it as well for whatever reason. Reasons that are like assholes. Unique in their own stinky way, depending on the diet and hygiene of hole owner.
The market is saturated with work because of E-books and while I have heard many voices crying about how this is part of what is killing our precious world of literature I must disagree. You know what is killing our precious world of literature? Not enough quality and too much crap. The crap gets discovered somewhere by someone who thinks their opinion is something more than just an opinion. They have an office and chew pens for a living, so they must be right. I could care less what gets published and what is hailed as the newest masterpiece by Rolling Paper or Jit Girl Magazine. I understand that writing has to be read in order to be valid. In order to be read widely it must be sold. When writing becomes all about selling and no longer about writing anymore then it loses the very essentials that make writing good. This is heart and soul.
I read as much as possible and I love to discover new writers. The market being saturated means that every which way I look I am going to possibly find someone who could blow my mind. This is not an easy task, though it is hardly an impossible mission. I happen to know what I like, and don't like, and that saves me from wasting so much of my time sitting around reading a bunch of garbage that is best left in the can. The truth is, I won't know if something is garbage, or not, until I have at least tried to read it. Can you dig it?
For those of us who love to read there has never been a better time than right now. Good writing and good writers are everywhere. They are not only at eye level but practically falling out of the sky and landing at our feet. Whenever we want to read something, and can't afford to buy a new book, all we have to do is open our eyes. Look! There on your computer screen. You want something to read? Well, there you go. It's that simple.
Good writing and good writers are to be found everywhere these days. Blog sites and web sites. I have even discovered new writers because I liked reading their statuses on Fuckbook or Shitter. It might seem easy to dismiss someone because their work is so available. We always hear them say "You get what you pay for." If it's on the internet, and it's free, and therefore we didn't pay anything for it..... well, it must be crap then. You know what? "They" don't know shit and I wish that "they" would just sit behind their desk and chew their pens and let the rest of us do our thing, an enormous part of which is to figure out what we like for ourselves and hold those likes as close to our hearts as possible and let everything else stay right where it's at and fester for all eternity.
One might think all of this browsing to be quite time consuming. I can tell if someone is worth my time within reading a couple of sentences. I know what I like and I know what I don't like. A philosophy that is basic, but quite effective. If I don't like something, guess what? I don't read it. The more time that is spent not reading shit that I find to be worthless is time that I can use more productively. No, that does not mean bitching about who or what gets published. It means I can read better stuff and write more stuff. Can you dig it?
I am a damn good writer. I believe in my work because it comes from my heart and soul and just because I am unpublished as of yet doesn't mean a squat of piss in a world where drivel like "Fifty shades of shit" is considered literature. I have been a veteran myself of blog sites for several years now and everybody who reads my work has enjoyed it thoroughly, unless they didn't. I take pride in that as well. Even if someone doesn't like what I have to say, at least they read it. Part of being a good writer is getting a reaction, good or bad. A whole other blog entirely though. Every single person who has read my e-book has enjoyed it whether they purchased it or it was given to them. Before anybody chimes in with "I am glad to hear that your mother enjoyed it" let me state that yes, my mother did enjoy it, but only somewhat because it was way out of her genre preference and she barely got through it, though not for lack of credible content.
I know the world is changing and I know a lot of older writers are bitter because of this. Those who have been around the block or the globe for a few years like to think they know everything there is to know. You don't. You know what you know, which is YOU. This is no reason to slag off anybody who is up and coming. If you have not read my work then you don't know shit. If you did give me a chance and read it you would enjoy it like everybody else who has been kind hearted and curious enough to read it. If for some reason that you didn't, well then. Opinions and assholes, ya know?
The bottom line is that I am happy you were fortunate enough to have a career doing something that you enjoy. But on behalf of those who have yet to make our way into the limelight, and for no apparent reason find ourselves and our work scrutinzed and degraded, this despite the fact that you haven't read it because you're too busy fingerfucking someones dirty doughnut hole.... let me just say this..... please keep your rhetoric to yourself, and while you're at it..... go fingerfuck another doughnut hole. Oh, and when you're done, after you fumigate your entire arm thoroughly, if you are looking for something to read might I suggest "50 shades of shit"? Can you dig it? Can YOU dig it? Cannnnnnn youuuuuuuuuu dig iiiiiiiit?
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