Friday, March 1, 2013


(This was a writing challenge from some page on fuckbook. The challenge was to begin a story with the line "I always had to help Ruby with the straps." It was a Valentine's day challenge and supposed to be a love story. I always have to do things a little different, however my story met all the criteria of the challenge. I never heard or saw anything posted of a winner for this challenge. I hated to see my story go to waste, so I figured I'd post it here.)

I always had to help Ruby with the straps. I don't know what she would do without me. Once, when I had just gotten back from sand camp, she managed to get free. I found her in tears, cutting at her stomach with a knife. Luckily I wasn't gone for too long because she seemed intent on hacking all the way to her intestines. She's been known to come at me on occasion. We only hurt the ones we love. No one understands this more than I do. That is why I keep Ruby tied up on those nights when she loses it.

I met Ruby at sand camp actually. It's sort of a commune for people with issues, who gather onto the dunes in hopes of cleansing the filth that corrodes their souls. Ruby was molested by her dad when she was a kid. This causes her to go nuts from time to time.

I wander the streets in my times of uncertainty and this lead me straight to that asylum masquerading as an oasis. I have no internal ravaging to claim. It's just me against a plague that infects Ruby and with my help she gets by. Strapping her onto the bed so she doesn't hurt anybody else is the least I can do for the woman I love.

The night Ruby broke free I asked them to leave us alone. They said they would think about it. I hope to never see those people again. Ruby doesn't need sand camp. I love her and that is all she needs. I might not be able to cure her but I can help with the straps when she needs to be saved. We only hurt the ones we love, but if we are not careful, we could kill them.


  1. Hey there!!! How are you? Got your message. I come here once in awhile, but to be honest I don't spend much time anywhere else other than Facebook..haha.

    I have kidney disease and am just plain worn out. I go onto Thoughts occasionally, but not as much as I used to. I hope you are well and I will def peek in here once in awhile and read. You already know how much I love your writing. :)

  2. Thank you, Charity! Sorry to hear about your health, but I do hope that things will look upwards for you. I am good. Very good now that I am back to blogging and away from Thoughts.
